The Blood of the Covenant – Hebrews 9:18-22

The Blood of the Covenant – Hebrews 9:18-22

The blood of the covenant will not benefit or advantage us without an especial and particular application of it unto our own souls and consciences.—If it be not as well sprinkled upon us as it was offered unto God, it will not avail us. The blood of Christ was not divided, as was that of these sacrifices, the one half being on the altar, the other on the people; but the efficacy of the whole produced both these effects, yet so, as that the one will not profit us without the other. We shall have no benefit of the atonement made at the altar, unless we have its efficacy on our own souls unto their purification. And this we cannot have unless it be sprinkled on us, unless particular application be made of it unto us by the Holy Ghost, in and by an especial act of faith in ourselves. – John Owen

Zechariah 12


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