The Power of Christ’s Heavenly Sacrifice – Hebrews 9:23-26

The Power of Christ’s Heavenly Sacrifice – Hebrews 9:23-26

And this serves unto the direction and encouragement of faith.— When we apply ourselves unto Christ to seek for aid for the subduing and destruction of our spiritual adversaries by his ruling power,—that mighty power “whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself,”—we consider him on the throne of majesty, in the full possession of “all power in heaven and in earth.” Hereby is faith both encouraged and directed in its acting or approach unto him. And when we go unto him for relief under our temptations, with a sense of the guilt of sin, which requires tenderness and compassion, we consider him as in the temple of God, appearing as our high priest before the throne of grace, Heb. 4:14–16. This representation is the spring of all spiritual consolation.— God on a throne of grace, the Lord Christ before it in the exercise of his office with faithfulness, compassion, and power, is the spring and center of all the comforts of the church. – John Owen


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