The Just and The Justified – Romans 3:24-26

The Just and The Justified – Romans 3:24-26

Christ is the propitiation to God for sin; which must be understood of his making satisfaction to divine justice, for the sins of his people; these were imputed to him, and being found on him, the law and justice of God made demands on him for them; which he answered to satisfaction, by his obedience and sacrifice; and which, as it could not be done by any other, nor in any other way, is expressed by “reconciliation”, and “atonement”: whence God may be said to be pacified, or made propitious. There was, a law broken, and justice provoked, which were to be attended to, and Christ by his sacrifice has satisfied both; so that neither the wrath of God, nor any of the effects of it, can fall upon the persons Christ is the propitiation for, even according to justice itself. – John Gill

Passage: Romans 3:24-26


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