The Danger of Apostacy – Hebrews 10:26-27

The Danger of Apostacy – Hebrews 10:26-27

“If we sin willfully;” that is, obstinately, maliciously, and with despite; which is the nature of the sin itself, as is declared verse 29: but the word doth not require, nor will scarce bear any such sense. “Willingly,” is of choice, without surprisal, compulsion, or fear; and this is all that the word will bear. The season and circumstance which state the sin intended is, “after we have received the knowledge of the truth.” There is no question but that by “the truth,” the apostle intends the doctrine of the gospel; and the “receiving” of it is, upon the conviction of its being truth, to take on us the outward profession of it. Only there is an emphasis in that word, τὴν ἐπίγνωσιν. This word is not used anywhere to express the mere conceptions or notions of the mind about truth, but such an acknowledgment of it as ariseth from some sense of its power and excellency. This, therefore, is the description of the persons concerning whom this sin is supposed: They were such as unto whom the gospel had been preached; who, upon conviction of its truth, and sense of its power, had taken upon them the public profession of it. And this is all that is required to the constitution of this state. And what is so required may be reduced to one of these two heads: (1.) The solemn dedication of themselves unto Christ in and by their baptism. (2.) Their solemn joining themselves unto the church, and continuance in the duties of its worship, Acts 2:41, 42. – John Owen

Job 11
Job 12


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