But whereas he discourseth of the only way and means of the expiation of sin, to prove that it was done at once, by the one offering of Christ, which needed no repetition, he supposeth, (1.) That sin entered into the world from the foundation of it, or immediately upon its foundation, namely, in the sin and apostasy of our first parents. (2.) That notwithstanding this entrance of it, many who were sinners, as the patriarchs from the beginning, and the whole Israel of God under the old testament, had their sins expiated, pardoned, and were eternally saved. (3.) That none of the sacrifices which they offered themselves, none of the religious services which they performed, either before or under the law, could expiate sin, or procure the pardon thereof, or consummate them in conscience before God. (4.) That all this, therefore, was effected by virtue of the sacrifice or one offering of Christ. Hence it follows unavoidably, that if the virtue of this one offering did not extend unto the taking away of all their sins, then he must often have suffered and offered from the foundation of the world, or they must all have perished. – John Owen
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