It Pleases the Lord to Bruise Him. – Isaiah 53:10

It Pleases the Lord to Bruise Him. – Isaiah 53:10

This passage teaches that Christ’s sufferings were not by chance, nor were they merely the result of human wickedness, but rather they were ordained by the eternal counsel of God. It was not due to any fault in Christ Himself that He was bruised, but because He took upon Himself our sins, becoming a willing sacrifice for our redemption. When Isaiah says that ‘it pleased the Lord to bruise Him,’ he does not mean that God took delight in the suffering of His Son as an end in itself, but rather that it was necessary for the fulfillment of divine justice and the salvation of mankind. Christ was made a sin-offering, in accordance with the sacrificial system of the law, so that through His death, we might obtain life. By bearing the chastisement due to us, He satisfied the demands of righteousness and secured our reconciliation with God. Though He was crushed under the weight of divine wrath, it was not because He deserved it, but because He stood in our place. This is the mystery of our salvation: that God willed to punish sin in His Son so that we, who deserved punishment, might receive grace. – John Calvin


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