Faith’s Vision: Understanding Creation – Hebrews 11:3

Faith’s Vision: Understanding Creation – Hebrews 11:3

In this first instance of the power and efficacy of faith, the apostle hath respect unto the second clause of his general description of it, “the evidence of things not seen.” For although this world, and the things contained in it, are visible, and are here said to be seen, yet the original framing and making of them hath a principal place among things not seen. And to prove that faith hath a respect unto all unseen things as unseen, he gives an instance in that which was so long past as the creation of the world; all his other instances declare its efficacy in the prospect of unseen things that are future. And where faith is spoken of as the instrumental cause of any thing, it always takes in or includes its object as the principal cause of the same thing. And here, where it is said that “by faith we understand that the worlds were framed,” it includes its object, namely, the divine revelation that is made thereof in the word of God. For there is no other way for faith to instruct us herein, or give us an understanding of it, but by its assent unto divine revelation. The revelation of it being made, faith is the only way and means whereby we understand it, and assent unto it. revelation of it. – John Owen


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