There is need of great care, heedfulness, watchfulness, and circumspection, for a due continuance in our profession, to the glory of God and advantage of our own souls. A careless profession will issue in apostasy open or secret, or great distress, Matt. 13:5, 6, Cant. 3:1, 5. Our course is a warfare: and those who take not heed, who are not circumspect in war, will assuredly be a prey to their enemies. Be their strength never so great, one time or other they will not avoid a fatal surprisal. And there is a necessity of this heedful attendance in us, from the manifold duties that, in all things and at all times, are incumbent on us. Our whole life is a life of duty and obedience. God is in every thing to be regarded by us. So that we are to be attentive unto our duty on all occasions, Ps. 16:8; Gen. 17:1. If we fail in matter or manner, what lies in us we spoil the whole. Any one defect is enough to denominate an action evil; but unto that which is good there must be a concurrence of all necessary circumstances. See Eph. 5:15, 16. And who is sufficient for these things? God alone by his Spirit and grace can enable us hereunto. But he works these things by us as well as in us, and gives heedful diligence where he gives success. – John Owen
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Matthew 23:1-12
Proverbs 13:13-25