Thus was the Lord Christ all and in all from the beginning. And as the general design of the whole structure of the tabernacle, with all that belonged thereunto, was to declare that God was reconciled to sinners, with a blessed provision for the glory of his holiness and the honor of the law, which is in and by Jesus Christ alone; so everything in it directed unto his person, or his grace, or some act of his mediation. And two things do now attend all these institutions: 1. As they are interpreted by gospel light, they are a glorious representation of the wisdom of God, and a signal confirmation of faith in Him who was prefigured by them. 2. Take them in themselves, separated from this end, and they give no representation of any one holy property of the nature of God,—nothing of his wisdom, goodness, greatness, love, or grace; but are low and carnal, base and beggarly. And that we may have a due apprehension of them, some things in general concerning them may be considered. – John Owen
A Shadow Of Things To Come – Part 4 – Hebrews 9:1-5
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