Second London Baptist Confession – Paragraph 8.2 October 18, 2020 Jerry Jackson Christ, Divinity of Christ, Humanity of Christ Second London Baptist Confession of 1689
The Godly Man’s Picture – Part 5 – Romans 12:9-21 October 18, 2020 Jerry Jackson Harmony, Rejoicing, Sympathy, Unity, Weeping, Wisdom The Godly Man's Picture, The Righteous Shall Live By His Faith Romans
Second London Baptist Confession – Paragraph 8.1 October 11, 2020 Jerry Jackson Christ, Christ the King, Christ the Priest, Christ the Prophet, Mediator Second London Baptist Confession of 1689
The Godly Man’s Picture – Part 4 – Romans 12:9-21 October 11, 2020 Jerry Jackson Goodness, Kindness, Love, Persecution, Suffering The Godly Man's Picture, The Righteous Shall Live By His Faith Romans
The Godly Man’s Picture – Part 3 – Romans 12:9-21 October 4, 2020 Jerry Jackson Generosity, Godliness, Hospitality, Perseverance, Prayer, Suffering, Zeal The Godly Man's Picture, The Righteous Shall Live By His Faith Romans