Second London Baptist Confession – Paragraph 3.1 June 28, 2020 Jerry Jackson God's Decree Second London Baptist Confession of 1689
The Goodness of God In Israel’s Failure – Romans 11:11-16 June 28, 2020 Jerry Jackson Election, Gentiles, Israel, Mercy, Salvation The Righteous Shall Live By His Faith Romans
Second London Baptist Confession – Paragraph 2.3 June 14, 2020 Jerry Jackson Attributes of God, God, The Trinity Second London Baptist Confession of 1689
God Gave Them a Spirit of Stupor – Romans 11:7-10 June 14, 2020 Jerry Jackson Condemnation, Election, Predestination, Reprobation The Righteous Shall Live By His Faith Romans
Second London Baptist Confession – Paragraph 2.2 June 7, 2020 Jerry Jackson Attributes of God, God Second London Baptist Confession of 1689
Election and Grace Walk Hand in Hand – Romans 11:5-6 June 7, 2020 Jerry Jackson Election, Gift of God, Grace, Righteousness, Works The Righteous Shall Live By His Faith Romans
Marxists Mobs and Democratic Deceit June 3, 2020 Jerry Jackson Government, Racism, Society Social Justice